Bids and Awards

Republic of the Philippines
40 J. Miranda Avenue, Naga City




INFRA 2025-001
Distribution Line at Zone 1-2 Panicuason to Zone 3, Carolina, Naga City

GOODS 2024-013A
Outsourcing of Operation and Maintenance of STP (Re-bidding)

GOODS 2025-001
Janitorial Services




INFRA 2024-008
Distribution Line at St. Claire Subdivision (Urban Poor)

GOODS 2024-013
Outsourcing of Operation and Maintenance of STP

GOODS 2024-012
Vacuum Truck Five (5) Cubic Meter Capacity

INFRA 2024-007
Drilling of Three (3) Test/Production Well for the Proposed Carolina VII, Carolina VIII and Cararayan VI PS

GOODS 2024-011
Pump, Electro-Mechanical Equipment, Discharge Line, Electrical Equipment, and Generator Set of Almeda II PS

Pump, Electro-Mechanical Equipment, Discharge Line, Electrical Equipment, and Generator Set of Sta. Lucia PS (Re-bidding)

INFRA 2024-006
Construction of Pacol IV Pumping Station

INFRA 2024-005
Construction of Almeda II Pumping Station

GOODS 2024-010
Pump, Electro-Mechanical Equipment, Discharge Line, Electrical Equipment, and Generator Set of Sta. Lucia II PS

INFRA 2024-004
Construction of Carolina V Pumping Station

Brand-New Data Loggers

INFRA 2024-002A
Sta. Lucia II Pumping Station

INFRA 2024-003
Pacol IV PS to Cor. Happy Homes Highland to Deca Vistanza Rd.

INFRA 2024-002
Sta Lucia II Pumping Station

GOODS 2024-008
Brand-New Various Tools, Materials and Fittings for Water Service Connection Activities

GOODS 2024-007
Brand-New Various Materials and Fittings for Leak Repairs

GOODS 2024-006
Brand-New Various Sizes of Water Meter

GOODS 2024-005
Brand-New Submersible Pumps and Motors

GOODS 2024-004
Brand-New (Class B) Water Meters 1/2″ and 3/4″

GOODS 2024-003
Various Sizes of Gate Valves

GOODS 2024-002
Diesel Electric Generating Sets

INFRA 2024-001A
Carolina V PS Well Drilling Project (Re-Bidding)

GOODS 2024-001
Janitorial Services

INFRA 2024-001
Carolina V PS Well Drilling Project


INFRA 2023-008A
Pacol IV PS Well Drilling Project (Re-Bidding)

INFRA 2023-008
Pacol IV PS Well Drilling Project

GOODS 2023-011
Security Services

GOODS 2023-010
Pump, Electro-Mechanical and Electrical Equipment, and Discharge Line of Pacol V Pumping Station

GOODS 2023-009
Various Sizes of Water Meters (Brand-New)

GOODS 2023-008
Various Materials and Fittings for Relocation

GOODS 2023-007
Various Materials and Fittings for Leak Repairs

INFRA 2023-007
Transmission Line at Balatas Road to Naga City Science High School

GOODS 2023-005A
Brand-New Lathe Machine

GOODS 2023-006
Brand-New Submersible Pumps and Motors

INFRA 2023-006
Carolina IV PS Pump, Electro-Mechanical, Discharge Line and Electrical Equipment

INFRA 2023-005
Carolina IV PS to Carolina II PS transmission Line Project

INFRA 2023-004
Pacol V PS to Cararayan IV PS Transmission Line Project

INFRA 2023-003
Pacol V Pumping Station

INFRA 2023-002
Drilling of one(1) Test/Production Well at Almeda, Concepcion Pequeña, Naga City

GOODS 2023-005
Brand-new Lathe Machine

GOODS 2023-004
Various Submersible Cables

GOODS 2023-003
Diesel Electric Generating Sets

GOODS 2023-002
Calcium Hypochlorite Granular

GOODS 2023-001
Brand New Water Meters 1/2″ (Class B) with Tailpiece

INFRA 2023-001
Drilling of one(1) Test/Production Well at Gainza, Camarines Sur




GOODS 2022-005
Brand New Water Meters 1/2″ (Class B) with Tailpiece

GOODS 2022-004
Various Materials and Fittings

GOODS 2022-003
Brand New Submersible Motors for Pumping Stations Use

GOODS 2022-002
Various sizes of UPVC Riser Pipes and Fittings

GOODS 2022-001
Brand new Water Meters 1/2″ (Class B) with Tailpiece

GOODS 2021-007
Brand New Light Cargo Truck (Double Cab with Dropside)

GOODS 2021-006
Brand New Control Panel for Panicuason and Del Rosario Pumping Stations

GOODS 2021-004
Outsourcing of Operation and Maintenance of the MNWD’s 60 CMD STP and Four (4) Septic Sludge Vacuum Trucks

GOODS 2021-005
Various Sizes of Pressure Release Valves

GOODS 2021-003
Brand New Submersible Pumps and Motors for Pumping Stations Use

GOODS 2021-002
Water Meters 1/2″ Ø (Brand New, Class C) Volumetric Rotary-Piston Type Connectors for New Water Service Connection Installation Activities

GOODS 2021-001
Materials and Fittings to be Carried on Stock



GOODS 2020-005A
Various Equipment (Brand New) for Leak Repairs (Re-Bidding)

GOODS 2020-009
Filtration System designed for 32 LPS Capacity for Cararayan 4 Pumping Station with Manual Backwash, Including the Supply of other Materials and Mobilization

GOODS 2020-008
Security Services

GOODS 2020-007
Water Meters 1/2″Ø (Brand New, Class C)

GOODS 2020-006
Various Water Meters for New Water Service Connection

GOODS 2020-005
Various Equipment (Brand New) for Leak Repairs

GOODS 2020-004
Brand New Control Panels for Mabolo Reservoir, Capilihan, Carolina 1, Cararayan 3, and San Isidro 1 Pumping Stations

INFRA 2020-013
Furnishing of Labor and materials for the Installation of Distribution Line at Progress Homes Phase 1 Subdivision, (Phase 2) Barangay San Vicente, Canaman, Camarines Sur

GOODS 2020-003
Various Pipes and Fittings for Leak Repairs

INFRA 2020-012
Five (5) MLD Bicol River Surface Water Treatment Plant

GOODS 2020-002
Various Pipes and Fittings

INFRA 2020-011
Drilling of Sta. Lucia II, Pacol IV and Pacol V Production Wells

INFRA 2020-010
Distribution Line at Zone 5 Libis, Barangay Sta. Lucia to Sto. Tomas, Magarao, Camarines Sur

INFRA 2020-009
Installation of Distribution Line at Zone 1 Baras, Canaman, Camarines Sur

INFRA 2020-008
Distribution Line at Canuto Village Homeowners Association

INFRA 2020-007
Construction of Carolina IV Pumping Station

INFRA 2020-006
Transmission Line at Brgy. Sto. Tomas/Brgy. San Francisco, Magarao to Barangay Talidtid, Canaman, Camarines Sur

PR# 20-02-0099
Emergency Purchase of Water Meters 1/2″ with Tailpiece (Class B, Multi Jet)

GOODS 2020-001
Brand New Diesel Electric Generating Sets for Capilihan and San Felipe 2 Pumping Stations

INFRA 2020-005
Transmission Line at Carolina II PS, Sitio Caromatig, Brgy. Carolina to Zone 3, Brgy, San Isidro, Naga City

INFRA 2020-004
Distribution Line at Zone 6 Buena Compound, San Rafael, Cararayan, Naga City

INFRA 2020-003
Pipe Replacement at Talidtid, Canaman, Camarines Sur

GOODS 2019-014a
Water Meters 1/2″ Ø (Brand New – Class C) Volumetric Rotary-Piston Type (Re-Bidding)

INFRA 2020-002
Renovation of MNWD Office Lobby

INFRA 2020-001
Proposed Distribution Line at Zone 6, Copradia, Barangay San Felipe, Naga City




INFRA 2019-016
Installation of Parallel Distribution Line at Brgy. Pangpang to Brgy. Tibgao, Canaman, Camarines Sur

GOODS 2019-017A
Pacol V Well Drilling (Re-bidding)

GOODS 2019-015
Various Pipes and Fittings for New Water Service Connections

GOODS 2019-014
Water Meters 1/2″ Ø (Brand New – Class C) Volumetric Rotary-Piston Type

GOODS 2019-013a
Brand New Service Pick-up 4×4 MT Diesel

INFRA 2019-015
Installation of Waterline Extension at Nazareno Compound Zone 4A, 10 x 10, Doña Clara Village, Concepcion Pequeña, Naga City

INFRA 2019-014
Installation of Distribution Line at Zone 7, Sitio Soriano, Brgy. San Isidro, Naga City

INFRA 2019-013
Furnishing of Labor and Materials for the Construction/Improvement of Existing Pumping Stations

INFRA 2019-012
Distribution Line at San Sebastian Urban Poor, Tinago, Naga City

INFRA 2019-011
Pipe Replacement at Spukoi, Sabang, Naga City

GOODS 2019-010
Brand New Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Control Panels

GOODS 2019-009
Stainless Steel Screen & Spiral Welded Steel Casing

GOODS 2019-008
Water Meters 1/2″Ø (Brand New – Class C)

INFRA 2019-010
Various Fittings

INFRA 2019-009
Various Fittings

GOODS 2019-007
Supply and Delivery of Various Fittings for Leak Repair

GOODS 2019-006
Stainless Steel Screen & Spiral Welded Steel Casing

GOODS 2019-005
Brand New Water Meters 1/2″Ø Tailpiece

INFRA 2019-008
Distribution Line at San Miguel St.-San Gabriel St., Doña Clara Subd.- St. Claire Subd., Concepcion Pequeña, Naga City

INFRA 2019-007
Cararayan IV Pumping Station Pump and Electro-Mechanical Equipment at Sitio Salunguigui, Brgy. Cararayan, Naga City

INFRA 2018-11B
Installation of Pipe Relocation Project

INFRA 2019-006
Transmission Line at Zone 3 to Carangcang II P.S, Bgy. Carangcang, Magarao, Camarines Sur

INFRA 2019-005
Distribution Line at Zone 1A, Brgy. Cararayan, Naga City

GOODS 2019-002
Submersible Pumps and Motors (Brand New) for Pumping Stations Use

INFRA 2019-010a
Monte Cielo Pumping Station Pump, Electro-Mechanical and Electrical Equipment

INFRA 2019-004A
Distribution Line at Zone 3, Salunguigui Resettlement Site (Palmera Village 1) Phase II, Brgy. Cararayan, Naga City

INFRA 2019-003
Distribution Line at Zone 6, Sitio Santiago, Brgy. San Felipe, Naga City

GOODS 2019-004A
Distribution Transformers at Carolina I, Cararayan I, and San Felipe II Pumping Stations

GOODS 2019-004
Distribution Transformers at Carolina I, Cararayan I, and San Felipe II Pumping Stations

GOODS 2019-003A
Brand New Diesel Electric Generating Set

GOODS 2019-003
Brand New Diesel Electric Generating Set

GOODS 2019-001
Distribution Transformer

INFRA 2018-011a
Installation of Pipe Relocation Project

INFRA 2018-010a
Monte Cielo Pumping Station Pump, Electro-Mechanical and Electric Equipment

INFRA 2019-002
60 CMD Septage Treatment Plant

INFRA 2019-001
Transmission Line at Carangcang 1 P.S. to Zone 3, Carangcang, Magarao


GOODS 2018-016
Various Pipes and Fittings

GOODS 2018-015
Various Pipes and Fittings

INFRA 2018-011
Installation of Pipe Relocation Project

INFRA 2018-010
Monte Cielo Pumping Station Pump, Electro-Mechanical and Electric Equipment

GOODS 2018-014
Supply, Install & Commissioning of Variable Frequency Drive

INFRA 2018-009
Construction of Office Extension

GOODS 2018-012
Boom Truck (Reconditioned Dropside with Crane)


GOODS 2018-013
Supply and Delivery of Straight Ball Valve with Lockwing

GOODS 2018-011
Supply and Delivery of Various Sizes of Riser Pipes

GOODS 2018-010
Various Fittings

GOODS 2018-009
Various Pipes and Fittings

INFRA 2018-008
Installation of Transmission line at Monte Cielo I Subdivision Brgy. Concepcion Grande, Naga City

INFRA 2018-007
Cararayan IV Pumping Station Pump and Electro-Mechanical Equipment

INFRA 2018-006
Installation of Electrical Equipment at Cararayan IV Pumping Station

INFRA 2018-005
Pacol Warehouse Improvement at Brgy. Pacol, Naga City

GOODS 2018-003
Various Pipes and Fittings

GOODS 2017-013
Various Fittings

GOODS 2018-004
Water Meters (Brand New, Class B) No Tail Piece

INFRA 2018-004
Installation of Transmission Line at Carangcang II Pumping Station to Brgy. Sto. Tomas, Magarao, Camarines Sur

GOODS 2018-008
Water Meters 1/2″ (Brand New, Class B) without Two Tail Piece with Hole (Seal)

GOODS 2017-014a
Security Services (Re-Bidding)

GOODS 2018-007
Various Sizes of Combination Pressure Reducing & Sustaining Valve

GOODS 2018-006
Submersible Pumps and Motors

INFRA 2018-001
Installation of Distribution Line at Zone 3, Salunguigui Resettlement Site (Palmera Village), Naga City

GOODS 2018-005
Various Pipes and Fittings

GOODS 2018-002
Installation & Commissioning of Filtration System

INFRA 2018-003
Construction of Monte Cielo Pumping Station

GOODS 2018-001
Various G.I. Pipes and Fittings

INFRA 2017-011a
Installation of Transmission line at Monte Cielo 1 Subdivision, Brgy. Concepcion (Re-Bidding)

INFRA 2017-012a
Installation of Pipe Relocation Project (Re-Bidding)

INFRA 2018-002
Supply & Installation of Carolina III Pumping Station Pump & Electro-Mechanical Equipment

INFRA 2017-010a
Installation of Transmission line at Cararayan IV (Salunguigui) Pumping Station to Zone 3, Brgy. Cararayan, Naga City (Re-Bidding)

INFRA 2017-007a
Carangcang II Well Drilling (Re-bidding)

INFRA 2017-011
Installation of Transmission line at Monte Cielo 1 Subdivision Brgy. Concepcion Grande, Naga City

INFRA 2017-012
Installation of Pipe Relocation Project

GOODS 2017-014
Security Services

GOODS 2017-015
Service Vehicle (MPV) 1.5 Brandnew

INFRA 2017-010
Installation of transmission line at Cararayan IV(Salunguigui) Pumping Station to Zone 3, Brgy. Cararayan, Naga City

INFRA 2017-009
Construction of Cararayan IV Pumping Station

INFRA 2017-008
Cararayan V Well Drilling

INFRA 2017-007
Carangcang II Well Drilling

INFRA 2017-005A
Supply & Installation of Carolina III Pumping Station Pump & Electro-Mechanical Equipment (RE-BIDDING)

GOODS 2017-011
Steel Type 304 and Spiral Welded Screen

GOODS 2017-012
Commissioning & Installation of 3-units 167 KVA Distribution Transformers

GOODS 2017-010
Pipes & Fitting for Leak Repairs

INFRA 2017-006
Installation of Electrical Equipment at Carolina III Pumping Station Sitio Caromatig, Carolina, Naga City

INFRA 2017-005
Supply & Installation of Carolina III Pumping Station Pump & Electro-Mechanical Equipment

GOODS 2017-009
Diesel Electric Generating Set (Brand New)

GOODS 2017-008
Various G.I. Fittings

GOODS 2017-005a
Water Meters (Brand New, Class B)

GOODS 2017-007
Flow Meter 6″ and Water Meter 1/2″ (Brand New, Class B)

INFRA 2016-016b
Box Culvert of MNWD Transmission Line MNWD, Naga City

GOODS 2017-005
Water Meters (Brand New Class B)

GOODS 2017-006
Various Fittings

INFRA 2016-014
Supply and Delivery of Materials and Furnishing for the Drilling of one (1) test/production well at Sitio Salunguigui, Brgy. Cararayan, Naga City 300mm Ø=180m

INFRA 2016-012
Supply and Delivery of Materials and Furnishing of Labor for the Drilling of one (1) test/production Well at San Agustin, Canaman, Camarines Sur

GOODS 2017-004
Submersible Pump & Motors (Brand New)

GOODS 2017-003
Various Fittings

INFRA 2017-004
Construction of Carolina III Pumping Station, Sitio Caromatig, Carolina, Naga City

INFRA 2017-003
Installation of Parallel Pipeline at Zone 7, Bgy. Cararayan – Balatas/Magsaysay Crossing Naga City (Phase III)

INFRA 2017-002
Installation of Distribution Line at Bgy. Fundado to San Francisco (BAWA), Canaman, Camarines Sur

GOODS 2017-002
Various Fittings

INFRA 2016-016a
Furnishing of Labor and Materials for the box Culvert of MNWD Transmission Line @Bgy. Palestina, Pili, Camarines Sur

INFRA 2017-001
Installation of Parallel Pipeline at Zone 7, Bgy. Cararayan-Balatas/Magsaysay Crossing Naga City (Phase II)

GOODS 2017-001
Stainless Stell Type 304, Continuous Slot, Wedge Wirewound Well Screen and Spiral Welded Steel Casing

Republic of the Philippines
40 J. Miranda Avenue, Naga City


Summary of Bidding Activities
As of June 30, 2017

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