Sen. Villar Promotes Farm Tourism

Senator Cynthia Aguilar-Villar, author of Farm Tourism Development Act of 2016 and Chairperson of the Senate Committees on Agrarian Reform, Agriculture and Food, and Environment and Natural Resources promoted Farm Tourism with Assistant Secretary for Farm Tourism and Convergence Program Eden Josephine L. David during the recently concluded Farm Tourism Regional Consultative Workshop on April 26, 2018 at Sonrisa Farm, Magarao, Camarines Sur.

Sen. Villar cited farm tourism as a means to help improve the lives of farmers and fisherfolk. She encouraged the participants especially the farm owners to become entrepreneurs through capacity-building strategies to get started with operating farms as agri-businesses.

Participated in by farm owners, faculty members, government agencies and Metropolitan Naga Water District (MNWD), the workshop aimed to promote the combined value of agriculture and tourism towards economic and cultural development. Also for tourism to serve as a catalyst for the development of agriculture and fishery communities providing additional, non-farm income to farmers and fisherfolk.

The workshop output were 1) quick assessment of the region’s Farm Tourism strengths, potential, and adherence to clusters/tourism circuits in the region; 2) determine gaps/issues/challenges that hinders Farm Tourism Development; and 3) Proposed interventions/measures needed to develop farm tourism as an inclusive platform for rural development progress.

Further, the program showcased presentations on the regional narrative by Rommel A. Natanauan, Division Chief of DOT’s Tourism Development and Regulations Division; Farm Tourism and its roadmap, Farm Tourism Act, DOT Standards and Accreditation, and Farm Tourism in the Philippines by ASEC David; Safety and Tourism by Dr. Sandy S. Montano, Vice President for International Affairs of Community Health Education Emergency Rescue Services (CHEERS); and the workshop activity.

Prior to DOT’s workshop, MNWD met-up with ASEC David for a consultation meeting relative to the Integrated Watershed Management Plan of the Mt. Isarog Natural Park (MINP) headed by Engr. Renato R. Dela Cruz , Division Manager A Pipeline, Leakage Control and Non-Revenue Water Management Division together with Janet P. Serapio, Research Project Coordinator – Consultant. Subsequently, the workshop was attended by MNWD representatives Sharmaine E. Bracia and Rogelio S. Baldon from Engineering and Environment Department together with Engr. Dela Cruz. Cruz.

The event is indeed a good venue for the agriculture industry. It brought a lot of hope to the local farmers and fishers to cultivate their land and natural resources, in the same manner, that MNWD looks at nurturing MINP. (Auria S. Gonzales)



SEN. VILLAR. The arrival of Sen. Cynthia A. Villar (2nd from right, below picture) at Sonrisa Farm to give Inspirational Message as part of the Farm Tourism Regional Consultative Workshop last April 26, 2018.


THE WORKSHOP. The Farm Tourism Regional Consultative Workshop participated in by farm owners, faculty members, and government agencies.


CONSULTATION MEETING. The MNWD led by Engr. Renato Dela Cruz (3rd from right) attended the consultation meeting with Eden Josephine L. David (7th from right), DOT Assistant Secretary for Farm Tourism and Convergence Program together with Rommel A. Natanauan (4th from left) DOT Division Chief, E. Daniel A. De Leon (2nd from left) Chairman, Bicol Regional Tourism Council, Cherry Lo (5th from right) Owner, Sonrisa Farm, and the rest of the staff from MNWD and DOT.


SONRISA FARM. The MNWD presented the Integrated Watershed Management Plan to the DOT management and staff at Sonrisa Farm in Magarao, Camarines Sur.